Monday, March 2, 2015

Why headhunting is still the best option when looking to identify top-level talent

There are more ways than ever for companies to advertise roles. Their postings “spider” through the different portals and the end result is generally the same….Bringing a plethora of issues for both the candidate and the employer.  This generally consists of lethargic application processes for the candidate with little to no recourse on following up as to which black hole your resume now sits,  and for the company, trying to analyze and review 50-100 resumes where 95%+ of the applicants have no relevance in their career experience with the position.

Where does this leave the top-tiered  candidates? Will their application stand out in amongst so many applicants? What about providing feedback to everyone that applied? Does anyone really have the time to provide feedback to over 100 people for each role?  Are top-tiered candidates even applying to postings?  What is your recruitment strategy in order to attract these candidates to your organization?

It is usually the case that the best candidates do not have the time to be trawling the internet looking for their next role, because they are too busy doing a good job in their current role. They would rather be approached about a specific role that they can see offers them their next career move, than search job boards. They also benefit from the recruitment consultant selling them in to what they hope will be their future employer.  Time and time again we hear that our clients are “trying” to utilize their internal recruiter…..only to engage us because they are not finding the right candidates or they are too busy.

Applying for a role through a trusted recruiter should mean that you are one of several candidates being put forward. The likelihood of you being invited in for an interview should be very high.  At Fusion Recruitment Group, close to 100% of the candidates we submit to a client obtain an interview.  The end result should be that the candidates are strong enough that the position could be offered to either of your top two choices following the interview process.    If not, we haven’t done our job!  Remember that by the time the candidate meets with your team for their first interview, it should feel more like a third interview due to the selection, qualifying, and validating being done by our team.

The team at Fusion Recruitment Group goes beyond just the initial interview.  We work with our candidates to find them a role that will offer a career progression, meet their career needs, and compliments our clients’ requirements.   Although candidates will consider a lateral move, more often than not, they want progression or at least a different challenge. The best recruitment consultants will have a good understanding of your skills and how these may be transferable to different opportunities.

Choosing the right recruitment firm is key for both the company and the candidate.   Qualifying candidates for the right client goes well beyond sourcing the right background and someone looking good in a suit.  It is not about making a placement at the end of the month….it’s about making the right placement.   If you don’t choose the right firm,  then companies may as well rely on online postings and inadequate internal recruiters as there would be no intrinsic value otherwise.

People.  Solutions.  Results

Allan Welyk, President & Managing Partner
Fusion Recruitment Group   @fusiontweets

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