Friday, March 27, 2020

When Every Day Feels Like Saturday

When Every Day Feels Like Saturday

Spring Break is coming to an end…I think.  There are way too many people outside for a Tuesday and not practicing physical distancing…The heartfelt support for all first responders and healthcare workers at 7:00 pm feels like we should all be at a party…Parents are playing in their yards with their children at all hours of the day…You can hear the laughter and voices of kids of all ages morning-noon-and-night.  Is it me, or does every day feel like Saturday?

If you are one of the millions working from home, or unemployed, having your kids pulling at you to figure out what they can do today, and your significant other is staring at you - hoping you will leave the house for a few minutes so they can have some “alone time”…welcome to the club!

In order to try to maintain some form of normalcy during this dynamic and challenging time, try maintaining your regular routine.  Here are some examples for you to consider:

Set an alarm (challenging to do when you don’t need to commute to the office and you have the opportunity to sleep in, however this is important)

Drink your GoGo Juice (coffee is a must!)

Shower and get dressed (lounging in your PJ’s, Lulu’s, or less simply won’t enable you to be focused or motivated to perform at your best)

Set up a designated work space (working at the kitchen counter can be unproductive and distracting)

Set a schedule ( as best as you can given the circumstances)

If you feel the need (and it’s not recommended during working hours), block off a specific time to log onto your preferred news/media platform for news/market/health updates vs being distracted and checking throughout the day

Turn off your news alerts on your mobile devices

Speaking of distracting…put your remote away and stop looking in the fridge every time you walk by it

Step outside and get some fresh air (in your back yard, balcony, or deck)

If you are used to hitting the gym or your local community centre for exercise, get creative.  When you are on the phone….walk around your house.  If you have different levels of your home, hike the stairs.  There are endless YouTube videos on any form of exercise your body desires (even if it is Tae-Bo with Billy Blanks).

Stop making excuses…..Every Day is NOT Saturday!

Discover what we have to  offer...

Allan Welyk
President & Director
ELEVATE Search Group
6th Floor - 777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC  V6Z 1S4 
 Phone:(604) 678 5627  I Fax: (778) 650 9801 
People. SolutionsCulture. Results.

Elevate Search Group collaborates and partners with companies to identify, recruit, and retain top-tiered professionals within all levels of leadership and non-leadership careers within business development, sales, marketing, operations, human resource, and supply chain management. Our client profiles range from local, regional, national, and global organizations.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Physical Distancing – How an Extrovert Can Manage in Self-Quarantine

If you're an outgoing and overly expressive individual, and you’ve just been told to self-quarantine for a minimum of two weeks, rest assured, your anxiety level likely just went through the roof…….and this in normal.
Let’s look at what an extrovert likes –
Being around people
Engaging and likes to talk (generally about themselves)
Tends to enjoy being at the centre of attention
Enjoys group settings
Feels isolated when they spend too much time alone
Many of the individuals we collaborate with on a day-to-day basis are extroverts.

Elevate Search Group collaborates and partners with companies to identify, recruit, and retain top-tiered professionals within all levels of leadership and non-leadership careers within business development, sales, marketing, operations, human resource, and supply chain management. Our client profiles range from local, regional, national, and global organizations. 

The term physical distancing, not necessarily social distancing in terms of social connection, can be a significant challenge for an extrovert.  Get over the fact that you are not able to meet with people in person for a while...but this does not mean that you don’t have access to face-to-face communication.
In order for an extrovert to remain sane and active during this time it’s important to be aware of virtual “touch points”. 
Video based platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype are fantastic platforms for image based communication.  Whether this is for business or personal, they all enable the interaction needed by an extrovert.  It may not be real life, but it’s the next best option.
Telephony platforms such as picking up your home phone (not sure if that’s a thing any longer) or your trusted mobile device is another way to engage in communication and let people know you are still great J
Get creative…..This may be a challenge for some of you, however embrace the new-found time you have.  When was the last time you wrote a card to someone?  Host a virtual “Happy Hour” with your friends/colleagues/co-workers with your favourite craft beer, distillery, or winery.  Make a point of calling someone vs sending a text.  Set up group chats on WhatsApp with family members and stay “tuned in”.
If you’d like to take it to another level in order to let people know who you are, step onto your balcony and belt out your best rendition of Tom Petty or Barns Courtney track.
It’s important that you practice physical distancing, not social distancing.

Unless you are quarantined, get out for some fresh air….but use some common sense.   Sit in your backyard and listen to the sounds in your neighbourhood…..go mountain biking, hiking, grab your motorcycle and go for a ride,  

It’s important for an extrovert to keep busy.  There is no better time than the present to learn how to play the guitar, learn something new on TedTalk, watch a documentary (or 10), take an on-line course...I think you get the picture.

Just remember that we need you to be sharp...once this health, social, and economic fiasco is over, we’ll be reaching out and discussing details about a fantastic career opportunity and we don’t want your brain to be like pancake batter!

Now you need to figure out what you are going to do tomorrow!

Allan Welyk
President & Director
ELEVATE Search Group
6th Floor - 777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC  V6Z 1S4

Phone:(604) 678 5627 
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People. Solutions. Culture. Results.

Elevate Search Group collaborates and partners with companies to identify, recruit, and retain top-tiered professionals within all levels of leadership and non-leadership careers within business development, sales, marketing, operations, human resource, and supply chain management. Our client profiles range from local, regional, national, and global organizations.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Committed to Connection - Elevate Search Group

COVID-19 presents a challenge for businesses such as Elevate Search Group, where human interaction and connection is at the heart of what we do. Our goal is to respect the processes and protocols with your people and culture strategies while ensuring an engaging and thorough experience.

In conjunction with most companies and industries, we are adjusting to the short term challenges everyone is facing...whether this is overall health and safety of employees, staffing requirements, in-person interviews, or the temporary closing/suspending of offices, we are working with each client on a case by case basis.
Fortunately, we are set up to work remotely to ensure business continuity. Working remotely and utilizing video platforms is something we are well-versed with and are continually refining.   We are well equipped to have our team work from home, and we have a solid plan in place to ensure we can conduct business in a fluid, supportive, and professional manner.   Corporate clients, as well as candidates shouldn’t experience any interruption in the quality of service you receive from us.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we adjust through these dynamic and challenging times.  

 Your Team at Elevate Search Group
Discover what we have to  offer...
Allan Welyk
President & Director
ELEVATE Search Group
6th Floor - 777 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC  V6Z 1S4 
 Phone:(604) 678 5627  I Fax: (778) 650 9801 
People. SolutionsCulture. Results.

Elevate Search Group collaborates and partners with companies to identify, recruit, and retain top-tiered professionals within all levels of leadership and non-leadership careers within business development, sales, marketing, operations, human resource, and supply chain management. Our client profiles range from local, regional, national, and global organizations.

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